Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nutrition Clinic at CrossFit Excellence -- Lake Oswego, OR

Portlanders, don’t miss my free nutrition clinic from 9am-12pm this Saturday (11 Sep 2010) at CrossFit Excellence (333 2nd Street Lake Oswego OR 97034). We will follow it up with an optional, little bodyweight workout at Noon!

The first half will discuss health implications of the SAD (Standard American Diet) and how to overcome them.
  • Participants will come away with simple guidelines and strategies for achieving optimal bodyweight, lowering heart disease risk, improving blood sugar control, sharper focus, and moving towards outstanding general health and wellbeing.
The second segment will discuss how to move beyond wellness and into the realm of superior fitness and performance.
  • Participants will gain a general understanding of the role nutrition plays in each of the metabolic/energy pathways and how tailor their eating strategies based on their training volume, intensity, and specific goals.


  1. This is great stuff PJ--already making a name for yourself in the [potential] area of our future box! Nice early marketing! :)

    Miss ya' bud!

  2. Thanks Brian! Every day the dream is closer


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